Human Shields brings forward new evidence in support of an ancient truth; that small groups of determined people can change the course of history.
Today we're inviting YOU to become part of this small group, by joining the conversation online or by contributing to our shared digital resource library-in-the-making.
We’re creating an accessible digital platform where a wealth of multimedia content can be shared openly with everyone who cares to discover it. Right now we’re getting started on Google Drive. Take a look, and if you have any relevant content, please don’t hesitate to share it!
We’re committed to holding space for a lively conversation around the story of Humanshields. No matter what your perspective, no matter what kind of experience you have, we’d love to hear from you. So why not jump into our Slack channel today?
Need full access? Have original source material to contribute?
A middle-aged Dorset family man, owner of two vintage double-decker buses, finds himself drawn into perhaps the quirkiest tour contract ever!
"The historic and romantic nature of the region we were about to visit shifted into focus, and I joked with my wife and kids about the possibility of a dramatic conversion on the Road to Damascus. We smile about that now."

The Human Shields story is indicative of a wider, deeper social movement which represents this project’s target audience. We will use our unique testimony to advocate for non-violence in political activism.
An accessible Digital Platform
To comprehensively document the Human Shields direct action of 2003 as narrated by chief protagonists and noteworthy.
A photographic Non-fiction Book
This “direct action of the century so far” is a creative, courageous and characterful tale told by it chief protagonists in a unique, multi-perspective narrative style.
An original Screenplay
Based on the true story of Human Shields. An occasionally dark, often slapstick British comedy with a deeply moving subplot: that small groups of committed, everyday individuals can change the world.